
By Legacy

A Bit Of Trickery

No, Lizzie didn't lose ten pounds since I posted her picture yesterday. This is a picture of a picture of her when she was about one year old. She's still just as pretty now as she was then -- there's just a little bit more of her than there should be. I have great hopes that her trip to the vet Saturday will give us an answer to her weight problem. If I thought she was sneaking snacks at night I'd hang this picture on the refrigerator, but I know she's not. She gets only a certain amount of food, no supplements like birds or mice and still she's huge. So, I've got my fingers crossed that there's something we can do to make her more comfortable because I'm pretty sure she's not feeling like doing much. She'll be four in August so she should be having a great time running around but she's just too big to do much. So, with fingers & paws crossed we'll head for the vet and an answer to the problem. Wish us luck.

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