Calton Hill & vaccine rantings

Went for a six and a a half mile walk to Calton Hill and back this morning. My human can't say all this hill climbing is getting any easier. There's no way she would be able to climb 'Mount Everest' for real. Lol!

We were out for more than 2 hours and the morning was actually quite nice. Not so this afternoon. It has rained and rained and rained. I only went for a little walk this afternoon but I returned home a very soggy doggie.

….........And then Ann decided to phone the NHS to re-arrange a flu vaccine which has been scheduled for the beginning of Nov. (She tried to do this yesterday but couldn't because their systems were down?!) So after being 'on hold' for 11 mins 44 secs (listening to an automated voice saying the average wait time was 3.5 mins and everything could be easily done on line. No it couldn't, so that was why she was phoning) she eventually got through to a real life person. Ann thinks it must have been the call centre persons first day. Talk about not having a clue what they were doing? All Ann wanted to do was reschedule her appointment for a couple of weeks later so that she could have the Covid booster at the same time and she also wanted to go somewhere in Edinburgh rather than have to trek all the way out to the Royal Highland Centre. Call centre person sounded Scottish but obviously had absolutely no idea of the geography of Edinburgh or where any of the vaccine centres in Edinburgh actually were. She ended the call by saying she couldn't help because there were no appointments anywhere.

…...............So Ann immediately phoned back and after being on hold for 9mins 17 secs ( listening to an automated voice saying the average wait time was 3.5 mins and everything could be easily done on line. No it couldn't, so that was why she was phoning), spoke to a very nice person who said it had been really busy today because the systems were down yesterday. Unfortunately they couldn't find any appointments either (but they were clever enough to check all the medical centres in Edinburgh), and said to phone back tomorrow because the system will have been updated by then??

It all just seems like an absolute shambles. Most of Ann's friends have already had their flu vaccine but just got it at their local chemist. Everyone seems to be absolutely paranoid about getting vaccines and Covid booster jabs. Obviously my human doesn't want to get flu or Covid, but she didn't have her very first flu vaccine until the middle of December last year. She got her second Covid vaccine on the 17th May 2021. And surely 'databases' these days are sophisticated enough to know that? Surely it would have been better just to wait until sometime after the 17th November when she could have got an appointment to have the Flu vaccine & Covid booster at the same time?????????????????

OK that's probably enough ranting for one day.

It's only 6pm and we've got all the lights on. My human hates these dark evenings.

Toodles x

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