
This trout must have been rejoicing as it leapt out of the shadows into the watery world of Edinburgh this morning.

The mural beside the Festival Theatre seemed very pertinent as I waded my way through the watery streets to Blackwell’s bookshop only to find it didn’t open until 10am. Not to be deterred, I retired to the adjacent Café Nero for a coffee and a wait. I should have been having coffee with a friend I haven’t seen for months, but she had bowed out with the current cold doing the rounds.

It has been a week of cancellations for me, leaving me feeling frustrated. The latest came yesterday afternoon two days after my crown fitting late on Monday afternoon when the dentist’s receptionist phoned to cancel my next appointment because my dentist was leaving tomorrow and not at the end of November as I expected.
Goodness knows what was going on behind the scenes and why nothing was mentioned 48 hours previously, but after 25 years I find myself with a new dentist …. called Sam not Julie. Life has a habit of not staying the same and I prefer continuity…….

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