Living the Dream

It’s that time of year again- the clocks go back and the daughters and I have an extra hour for our stay at Stobo Castle.

As usual we met in Peebles for lunch , Rosie having driven up at first light from Yorkshire, and then it was straight into action when we arrived at the Castle. Rosie and Lucy did Yoga and a jog, Sally swam lengths, Kathy did a hike , I took photos in the Japanese Water garden and Jane….. well we haven’t seen her since we arrived but she has her bike with her, so who knows what she’s up to.

We are gathering shortly to do the ritual Champagne tasting having found 3 bottles on ice in my room, all thanks to Rosie’s wonderful Yorkshire partner. Since HL died, the mantle of Champagne supplier has been adopted by several people and there has never been any defaulting.

The evening is young. We have dinner at 7pm and I’m hoping my birthday chocolates will accompany cocktails later.
Living the Dream!

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