
By Beewriter

Team Training Day

We hadn’t been looking forward to today as usually team training days are loooong and boring, but today it was informative and interesting.

An introduction to Session Solution which is a new way of running a session that goes live on 08/11/21.

We had a face time call with Yameen who suffers with thalassemia. He’s received transfusions ever three weeks for the last forty years. It was so interesting and humbling. We can become blasé about our job but when we hear about people who can live a life because of a bag of blood it is amazing. Our new tag line is #thisisamazing

We desperately need more donors who have the Ro factor in their blood…only 3% of the population have it. It is used to help people with sickle cell. Vinnie gave a talk on Ro blood so we can hopefully push for more donors. They want volunteers to be ‘Ro Champions’…I might do it as it is really interesting, but I need to educate myself a bit more on the technical facts.

Pindi did a presentation on Black History Month. There was a quiz at the end and Lou’s team won.

There was an introduction to our new online system for rosters and booking annual leave…that goes live on Monday. It can’t be any more confusing than the last system!

The nurses gave an award for excellence…well, slap my thigh and call me Roger, they only gave it to me. It was my second certificate in the last five days…one for walking on hot coals and one for outstanding donor care and team management. (It came with a big box of chocolates from Hotel Chocolat). It was a lovely surprise, but I’m part of a great team.

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