St Francis 2009

Today's the day ....................... for sculpture

This thought-provoking sculpture by Ronald Rae is to be found in the National Trust for Scotland's Threave Gardens.  
The sculpture has been carved in pink and silver-grey granite and dark grey basalt from Aberdeenshire and depicts St. Francis lying in retreat on 'that rugged rock twixt Tiber and Arno' as Dante described La Verna. It shows the saint surrounded by the birds that he loved and preached to. Brother Wolf is carved on this side of the stone. Legend has it that St. Francis saved the village of Gubbio from being ravished of its flocks by persuading the people to feed the fierce hungry wolf. In return for this kindness the wolf became a friend to everyone and a follower of St. Francis and thereafter called Brother Wolf.  Legend also says that when St. Francis died Brother Wolf was at his side.

It was initially on loan but thanks to the generosity of a couple of long term NTS members it will now be staying on at Threave permanently ..........................

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