TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks


Well, it has been some time since I posted on here.
A quick explanation – some of you may remember that in 2018 I broke my left wrist. Sometime in 2020 whilst I was “looking after my parents” I had one major and two lesser falls.
I didn’t think much about them because I appeared to have bruising but otherwise full use of my right arm.
As 2021 progressed I realised that I had lost most of the mobility in my right hand. Eventually, after telephone triage I was able to see a specialist physiotherapist in person. The worrying bit was when part way into the treatment she said that we would have to stop because there was at least one broken bone in my wrist.
There was a flurry of x-rays so that I could see a consultant (privately because of waiting lists) And it turned out that I had broken my ulna In the middle of the wrist and it had healed awkwardly and had settled on the carpal tunnel.
This meant I was experiencing physical pain from how the wrist moved over the break and nerve pain from the carpal tunnel compression.
After refusing surgery initially because of the “caring commitment” the surgeon talked me round and I am now two weeks post operative waiting to see if carpal tunnel release surgery will allow the physiotherapist to work on the physical problem (no way am I sacrificing my pelvis for reconstructive surgery).
The biggest issue has been that with the weak left wrist and a still damaged right wrist I have struggled to even lift my phone far less take photos and post anything .
This Halloween picture of Kassie took almost an hour to set up especially when it came to lifting her on to the chair.

I hope to be back properly soon.
Missing you all

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