Deja Vu

Another day, another hummingbird. Or maybe it's the same one.... Even when it's sitting still, it's in constant motion--turning, scratching, picking, twisting, watching. Posing.

We drove down a couple blocks of our main street on the way to the library. Most merchants seemed to be handing out candy, there were crowds of kids and adults in costumes. In other years I found it charming; they used to close the street to traffic and everyone rejoiced in being able to walk in the street and show off their creations. Today all I could see were germs. No masks, no distance. Kids running wild after so many restrictions. I just wanted to go home and hide, which I am doing, but am I the only one who thinks this is too much too soon? No one seems to think it's odd that the same children who I presume have to mask up at school are now in close contact with complete strangers. I'm as weary as the next person, but maybe way more paranoid.

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