The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Again again again again...

Well, today was the first day of the holidays after an extraordinary week! I woke with rather a befuddled head after white wine last night - we were at a leaving party for the lady I blipped, Zoe - so I did my intervals session at home whilst Paul walked the dogs so that I could get the blood flowing and rid myself of the head mist. I felt much better afterwards!

We headed in to town so that I could get a hair cut - mega short, mega funky! Did the food shop and a few other bits and then came home. I filleted and cooked a whole salmon whilst Paul did useful man jobs in the garden. Walked the girls, hence the blip - Pippa is loving having him at home! Now we have some salmon for tea and a lazy night ahead of us. Bliss!

On the jobs front, the big news is that I am the Principal of the Lincoln University Technical College. It is a part of a government initiative to increase the number of pupils with specialist skills in engineering and science. It will be a 14-19 specialist college - I start in September and there is currently nothing in place - no building, facilities, pupils, staff...I have one year to create the entire UTC and then we will open in September 2014! I will be working alone in the first year so it is a huge job - and makes me one of the youngest Principals in the UK! How cool is that! So, hence the endless alcohol consumption this week. It was very enjoyable but needs to stop as I'm starting to feel rather heavy! ;0)

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