Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

The Bb Slant

Back blip (just by one day)

Here's Bb, himself slanted, taking what turned out to be his blip. 

Our evening was marred by a call from our burglar alarm company to say that our alarm had been set off by our balcony sensor, but they'd looked at the photos and it must have been the wind, perhaps a plant blowing, because everything looked in order and no inside alarm had gone out. Phew! Bb then looked at the photos on the app and could make out from the 3 shots taken, the legs of someone and the 3rd shot showed them stepping up to climb up and over our facade on their way down.  We called back the alarm company, perturbed that they hadn't picked this up, and they called the police. We informed our neighbours on both sides, one was home and the other 3 hours away.  The one 3 hours away was a bit nervous about coming home to an empty (hopefully!) house. We went back home from our quiet beer out to wait their arrival in the passageway. Two plain - clothed policemen arrived inspected our house inside and out - on the balcony, patio and roof terrace. They also inspected the outside areas of our next door neighbour who was in. All clear and the assumption was that they'd climbed up our facade, onto the balcony, the alarm went off and they left the same way.  

The excitement wasn't over though! We then heard noises which we thought were coming from our neighbour on the other side, who wasn't home.  She has a tendency to leave her balcony door open and we could see that it was indeed open.  This meant that there was a possibility that the person had jumped from our balcony to theirs and gone into their house!  We called the police again and this time the same 2 plain clothed policemen came back with 3 uniformed colleagues.  They came up through our house, out on our balcony, also heard noises and climbed /jumped over and did an inspection. They don't have an alarm. Bb then remembered he might have a spare key for their house. He did and so the policemen could walk out the door, rather than do the climbing malarkey again. At least we were able to tell Sylvie, our 'out' neighbour, that the house was indeed empty! 

I'm surprised we slept well after this un-asked for excitement, but sleep we did, but not without lodging complaint with the alarm company. 

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