Lena's 11th Birthday

A fine day, fairly calm, plenty of sunny spells, and a fine cold evening. 

Another early start in the airport, and a fairly quiet morning on the check-in desk.  I later went to work with the helicopters and oil flights.  Popped by Jonny and Ruth's on my way home.  An early start in the shop tonight, and a fairly quiet night too.  Sad news about one of Sammy's girlfriends passing away yesterday, my friend's peerie dog.  He checked the gate as we passed by, as he always does. 

My youngest niece, Lena, has turned 11 years old today!  She's been at school all day, and spent the day with friends.  She was busy telling me about her plans for a birthday party this coming Sunday.  A blink of an eye, and they soon grow up.  Poor Alex has been off school today and yesterday, not feeling well, but on the mend, and he managed to get up for a photo, snug in his quilt.  Taken at home, Bigton.  

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