Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Icy heads

Bit of a frost and nip in the air this morning. My entry for Tiny Tuesday :)

Slept well last night, much more rested than previous nights. :)

Into the office this morning as I had a training session to give. My manager was in the office and presented me with a beautiful belated birthday gift from the team - fab bottle of gin (beautiful bottle) with a light you put in when empty (better get drinking quick), a voucher and a flower planter. So lucky to have a lovely team, very grateful :)

Quick visit before home for lunch then catching up with notes this afternoon :)

Feet up and TV tonight, Tuesday is my night for my programmes. However, I spent most of it sleeping off/on so missed parts of programmes - good job for recordings or catch up tv. :)

Day off tomorrow ……. :)


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