Testing (EB)

Many months ago (pre pandemic) I agreed to run a portraits night at my other photo club in Ladbroke.  This was intended to be part techie around triggering the lights (me), and part photographer/sitter relationship (Katrina).

Sadly - she has moved back to Fermanagh (Northern Ireland) so we just ran it as a 'fun with big lights' evening, which seemed to go well enough. 
No-one is ever keen to be the model,  so there are probably loads of test shots of me.  At least everyone had a chance to try syncing their camera with the lights and then setting the exposure to get everything on the histogram.

Of course - I didn't take any photos, apart from several test shots to make sure I had everything connected up properly.

We even managed to get some success with Sony cameras which is something I have not managed previously.

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