One of the best things about living in Wisconsin is the varied topography courtesy of the last glacial wave that swept over North America. Ten miles east of my abode you will find flat land leading to the edge of Lake Michigan; ten miles north you will see the Niagara Ridge leading to Door County and Green Bay; ten miles south you will drive across several glacial landmarks on your way to Milwaukee as farmland slowly dissolves into suburbia and the Big City.

This shot was taken along the 7 Hills Road about 10 miles west of my abode...I'm at the top of one hill looking north. The Hills are actually Drumlins left here by glacial activity about 10,000 years ago and you drive over one after another for several miles. Lots of space, contour plowing around the hills to reduce erosion, cell phone tower on the top of a hill, farms, crops in various stages of harvest, barns, cows........it's Wisconsin.

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