Family Dog

By Family_Dog

You always take the weather with you... what's actually happening with the abode of The Family Dog now that we're selling up and moving on?

Well. It's been a bit mental. We did actually end up selling within a fortnight, despite my predictions that it would all fall through. We were very, very, very lucky - but for a long time it didn't feel like that because we had NO idea where we wanted to move to. Add to that the fact we also had WAY OUT expectations of what we could afford and it was all looking a bit crap.

Finally, by accident, we drove through Burntisland on one of our house hunting expeditions and really liked it. We viewed some properties, hung out in town for a bit and decided to go for it. We found a house, put an offer in, we were mucked about for a week and a half and then told it wasn't going ahead.


Then we were contacted to say that things had changed and it WAS going ahead.

Relieved! Oh rapture, etc.

Then, 2 weeks later, we were told that it wasn't going ahead again, or it sort of / could be going ahead but they really aren't sure.


So..what now? Well - we've put a deposit down on a flat to rent in Burntisland that will do for a short term solution. At first I was gutted about it, but now I'm thinking it's going to be quite nice. The flat is on a street we wouldn't be able to afford to buy - incredibly close to the beach and it gives us the chance to get Arlo & Ida settled before the summer holidays when Arlo starts school. And it means we can figure out if we actually like living there before committing properly (and run, fleeing, back to a 1 bedroom top floor flat in Edinburgh).

All good then, really. Downside? We haven't actually seen it yet...we had to move fast as it was the last rental in the area and someone else was going to view it last night. We bit the bullet and stuck the deposit down after seeing the (very basic) pics on line.

I'm sure it will be fine. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm sure it will be fine...

Anyway. Today - after my photography class (sure my tutor would be horrified by this grainy, out of focus shot) the 4 of us went out for a bit of tea down at the new & improved Old Chain Pier. What a perfect evening. Both kids were really well behaved and didn't act up or shout or scream or do anything even remotely embarrassing. Result!

We walked home afterwards, and I took some rubbish pictures (and some actually quite nice pictures) in the twilight to experiment with the light. I chose this one to Blip, again not for it's precise skill (hah!) but mainly because it is a decent photo of a MAHOOOOOOSIVE rain cloud right over the top of our new home - Burntisland.

Didn't actually twig that we're moving across the water, almost exactly opposite where we live now in...1, 2, 3, 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEK.

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