Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Still up in the North East so cheered the little lady up by patiently trooping around Eldon Square pretending that her bum didn't look to big in whatever came off the hanger, as a thank you she did treat me to lunch ( I let her & her bum share the bench seat), the photo is taken from the rooftop car park of John Lewis, you can walk all the way round & snap a marvellous panorama, you'd need more patients than I've got mind, a lot ofphotos photos & an awful lot of stitching but it would make an interesting project for a local blipper.
Spent the afternoon with our two older Grandchildren, these visits are precious as its not so easy to travel up to Sunderland as it use to be what with the cost of fuel now days.
Got back to Ilkley in time to fetch the canceled Birthday Cake from last Wednesday (if that loses you you'll need to read back a couple of days), although Marks had emailed to say the order was cancelled the cake still arrived today, three days late but hey, it's every day you turn 80! After relating the story to today's store manager we managed to bag the cake free of charge (they would only have had to dump it, the likelihood of an 80 year old lady called Jean suddenly turning up to by a birthday cake were somewhat slim) plus we were given a huge box of Belgian chocolates in way of an apology, all in all the whole fiasco has cost St Michael around £90, should think there'll be questions asked at the next staff meeting at the online branch.

If you don't get the title watch more adverts on the telly!

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