autumn colours

Joanna and I had a lovely walk this afternoon, up to the old hill fort on the Mullach, above Dalswinton. The weather was clear and cold, with a bone-chilling Nor'Westerly wind on the top. Beautiful views all round and as far as the Lake District hills.

When we were back at the car, it seemed a shame to go home when the light was so good, so we decided to walk around Dalswinton Loch, where the reflections of the autumn colours made for some interesting shots.

There was colour last night, too, even when the sun had set - a red alert on my Aurora app sent me out to the garden to look at the northern skies, where I could clearly see a green/pink glow above the hill. The stars were amazing, too. Loving all the beauty of this time of year and so glad to live where we do :-)

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