Too noisy

She wanted to talk to me tonight but there was too much going on in the boarding house so she asked me to stick around with my phone and have a text conversation (happily).

Tonight was my first parents evening for her. Working her wee socks off, delighting everyone. Idolised by drama teacher (“born performer, she smashes my expectations every time”) English teacher thinks she’s great (stunned by her encyclopaedic knowledge of Harry Potter but also her love of literature generally), thrilling her class music teachers (found it hilarious he set her 2 pages of theory homework for the holiday but she completed seven. The other thought she could be "even more confident to dazzle us even more with that total brilliance!"). Maths teacher thinks she’s hilarious. All of them love how meticulous she is, how determined to work hard and do what’s asked of her and how carefully she’s putting so much effort into keeping track of her heavy schedule. Girl is doing good!

Plus today she’s been asked to join the symphony orchestra for the next project, the schools crown jewel orchestra normally reserved for y10 and above. So she’s buzzing.  Her ensemble workload is pretty serious  now but she’s delighted.

Actually though, I am (obviously, clearly) beyond thrilled that she’s doing so well with all of these things, but today what i am most proud of her for is that today she arranged by herself to go seek help about something she was troubled by to formulate a plan to deal with it.

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