Day Today

By Feathers14

The 'Return' Of The Mac

Honestly, I blow my socks off with my own genius, sometimes. Rarely (very rarely, actually), but sometimes.


You know, it's very difficult to know which way to go, when all the arrows point in different directions.

Over-slept, zero work, didn't eat properly, feel like crap, thought a lot.

One of those days.

TD;DR: Too deep/depressing; didn't read... I saved the lives of 4 unicorns, a magic field mouse called Jeremiah and planted a peace garden today... NAHT



So sharp! I'm absolutely over the moon with my new baby, the 18-50 f2.8 and you can see why. I'm not a lens-nerd who pores over every piece of spec I can find about the sharpest apertures and levels of chromatic aberration (thank god for the Internet where people like that can conveniently assimilate all the information for me) but I am pretty happy with this picture and how it has turned out. Other than that, the perspective is aight; pretty standard, nothing special. A little more symmetry would have been nice, but the laptop screen bezel got in the way. Anyways. I think the lens might need a quick brush down, though - I think some of the crapola from yesterday's blip got on it.

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