An Aeolian Harp In The Gardens
We ventured to Edinburgh by car. Pat is attending a life drawing class at the Scottish Arts Club. I have planned a trip to the Botanic Gardens.
After dropping Pat in Rutland Square I drove to the Gardens and parked the car nearby.
Parking in Edinburgh is expensive: 5 times the rate in St Andrews.
After a Mocha and a rather excellent Brownie in the John Hope Gateway Building I spent some three hours or so just exploring the gardens and taking over 50 photographs.
The gardens have changed quite a lot since I last visited and there are many sculptures and shrines to see.
The main photo shows the Aeolian Wind Harp. This instrument is probably about 2 metres tall. The day was calm and very sunny; a day to gladden the spirit.
No wind means the Harp was silent.
The extras show other structures and a view of part of the Chinese Garden.
I returned to Rutland Square to rendezvous with Pat. We then headed to "The Colonies" to rendezvous with Jane M who we have known for nearly 40 years and enjoyed a fine repast and chat.
Afterwards we explored the Leith Water Walk in the rapidly darkening evening.
Saying our goodbyes Pat and I then drove home.
Much has changed in Edinburgh over the last two years. Traffic is busy and the road signs remain as confusing as they always were.
However, we had a great day and I was surprised to find that I had walked some 22000 steps which is just under 9 miles.
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