
By Enzotraveldog

The Final Plank

We’ll build a deck, said Aunty Jo.
We’ll have it done in half a mo!
Just have to lay ‘em side by side.
Should be an easy row to hoe!

They started as the sun came up,
Man and Wife, and Sister’s pup.
Drinks on the deck about sunset?
the Silverback asked, looking up.

The first board proved quite a trick.
It had to be exactly ‘schmick’,
or the last board just would not go.
It’d be a shocking job, instead of chic!

The middle boards went much the same,
lunchtime passed, evening came.
No sunset drinks tonight, they said,
leave the cork in that champagne.

Another day, a few more laid,
gaps calculated, adjustments made.
There was just one more plank to go,
but the sun again began to fade.

The final morn saw the final plank,
waiting on trestles, by the water tank.
It was going to be a complex beast,
with nooks and crannies, counter-sank!

They measured up ‘til morning tea.
The first cut failed, but narrowly.
Adjustments made, much back and forth,
the plank went in! -at half past three!

Corks were popped, drinks were drank,
on the deck looking o’er the water tank.
They laughed and toasted Man and Wife,
and cursed that final bloody plank!

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