The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Fishcake Monday

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Smashley (and his dog, Jarvis) came round for lunch today. This in itself is not a big deal but it was ‘FISHCAKE MONDAY’.

Smashley is the only other person in the world who loves fishcakes as much as I do. Lots of people LIKE fishcakes but I LOVE them and they are my all-time favourite comfort food. I recently discovered that Smashley feels the same way about the magical wonder of fish, mashed spuds and herbs in breadcrumbs and so my fishcake fan club of one doubled in size!

The excitement levels were palpable for this monumental day. We ignored spousal accusations of weirdness and had a very lovely afternoon at my kitchen table before going on a slightly giggly dog walk. We had shared a bottle of wine and everyone knows that the day-drinking naughtiness factor increases the potency of alcohol by a factor or 2 (at least).


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