The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I woke up at 3 am and was completely disorientated. I thought I was still at your house LTJ and couldn’t work out why I could hear breathing in the bed next to me!

I was back to work and within the first hour my motivation took a bit of a hit when Rhoddy told me that his contract isn’t going to be renewed. I’m can’t work out if it’s always the people I think are great fun who end up leaving or maybe I just don’t notice the others!

Motivation took a further hit when I read the email telling me it was end of year review time so I had to take lots of Murphy breaks (which suited him as he has decided to paw me whenever he wants attention). He was so pleased to see me when I got up this morning that he even wanted to play and give me toys BEFORE food. I was truly honoured although I’m pretty sure that’s a one day only deal!


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