
By LifeLines

Spring Sunshine

A lovely sunny Spring-like day - considerably warmer than of late but the snow is still here in places, especially on the hills. This is a view of Peebles looking north from Cademuir Forest. Its possible to see the crowned tower of Peebles Parish Church to the left end of the High Street, and the spires of the Church of St. Peter and the church which is now the East Gate Arts Centre - both at the eastern end of the High Street.

Beyond them (just behind the building with the red roof) is the warehouse occupied by Holland and Sherry - fine cloth makers - a superb Victorian building purpose built in 1897. From here Holland & Sherry exports cloth to more than 50 countries.

In the hill side beyond is Castle Venlaw. Built in 1782, it is now a country hotel. During WW1 it was used as a hospital for wounded soldiers. The hill behind is Collie Law (424 m) and the woodland, the lower western slopes of Glen Tress Forest - well used by walkers and mountain bikers.

Better enlarged.

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