
By MerlotsDad


That was his name..and he hailed from Zimbabwe. Nice chap his first name was unpronounceable but it meant dehorning of cattle, which is what his father did to stop the family being spiked.

He was with his boss and they represented the mental health team in the town. Apparently the GP had referred Carol for an assessment and that's what happened today.

Before that I had this house valued. I'd seen a bungalow that I was vaguely interested in but having looked on Google earth it had put me off but I still went ahead with the valuation. I was so shocked at the value. It had increased by 6 fold since we moved in 25+ years ago.

I've now received 3 offers (1cash) for the other house. Had a long chat with the other main partner Julie last night. We're gonna bide our time and wait and see.

Carol very very tired today and was in bed by 430, and this morning we couldn't get her to stand having got out of the shower. Z and I had to help her stand. Poor girl. She seems to be deteriorating week by week... Scary old stuff.

Finally got the DNR in place which is good. I know she wouldn't want to go on should she have another serious episode or bleed.

Thanks for looking in.

It means a lot.



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