
Came to do a couple of hours in the garden and has made an impact on what needs doing. Great Job thanks Julie and as always good to see you.

So a few calls this morning and then as Julie was leaving the kids called in to show me Zaks very first school report. It said he was really good haha don't see much evidence of that normally but you got to love him. Also brought me a new school photo see extra.

Spoke to C who was better today following her dicky tummy. And that just makes you feel better doesn't it. Except I received an email from the home last night to say one resident and one staff member had tested positive for covid 19. Oh dear.

Maybe today's news is groundbreaking especially as its from the same company that manufactures my F8. I'm in the queue for it now...

Thanks for calling in.

Mild day, damp start.

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