
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Protest in Harmony...

... is the name of a local singing group with very sound politics. They can be relied upon to brighten any protest or demonstration with beautiful voices, insightful lyrics and good humour. They sing about peace, justice, human rights and the environment.

Like the mother and daughter in today's blip from the Scottish Parliament, they are not the sort of people one might expect at a demo if one isn't used to going to demos. Protesting is not for everyone. Not everybody wants to literally stand up for what they believe in and may find other ways or none to make their views known. A perhaps unintended consequence of the actions of the coalition government at Westminster is that people who never protested before are coming out on the streets to show their opposition, such as today's demos against the bedroom tax.

Alice Walker said "activism is my rent for living on the planet" and I agree. I don't expect you to do what I do but I think we all have a part to play in making the planet a better place to live and to raise the next generation.

Even old-time activists like me need a little entertainment so Dr T and I are off to the cinema. It's been a lovely verging-on-spring day here and I hope you're enjoying your weekend.

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