Not Flattering

Not the most flattering picture ever.What I thought last week was a result of the flu jab turned out not to be.It was in fact the start of tonsillitis and a severe chest infection.
Filled in the online form for the GP because as you know you can't actually see one anymore and in fairness the response was very quick.Helen picked up the prescription for me in-between taking Becky for an ultrasound scan.

The prescription was for two packets of anti depressants.So phoning the chemist I was told that there was also a prescription of antibiotics.I asked if they wanted the first prescription back.They didn't.
Now that first prescription was from my last actual visit to the doctors with a lump on the side of my foot making it painful to walk.I knew the doctor hadn't listened to me when he yawned all the way through the consultation.So now I have two packets of antidepressants for my feet perhaps one for the left and one for the right.

Catch up soon.

In memory by Sandy Denny.Just what I needed today.I don't know how many who my read my nonsense listen to these little treats I include but this is lovely.

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