
It was an interesting day!

I had a young lady back for a Day 2 Course, this time on my own as The Mate was convalescing. On Day 2 our students have a choice of what they would like to study and she had mentioned architecture and portraiture. We thought that would be handy as we knew the room would be set up before then for a portrait shoot. The Mate offered to pose in his leather hat!

No Mate or leather hat around but the lady did have a mother chauffeuring her. Brilliant! As it was actually mum's camera, it seemed fair that mum got to us it as well so the two beautiful ladies learnt, together, about posing and directing a model. We had a lovely time.

For the rest of the time we looked at editing building shots so she could help with the family business.

This was a sprig of eryngium from the bouquet I bout for her day with us last week.

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