A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx


What a day! Been fantastic and rubbish all at the same time! We met up with my dad at the pub today for a carvery and then stayed afterwards for hubby to watch the first half of the man utd game.

After that we took the little madam to the cinema to watch "the croods" which is very good! Charlotte was up at 5am so was asleep before the trailers even finished and woke up about 30mins from the end!

Came back and had a huge argument with my sister! Completely my fault and I was evil but I'm too stubborn to admit that! I shall apologise in the morning(not something that comes easily to me but charlotte witnessed this argument so I feel I should set a good example to her!) but she's far more stubborn than me and won't accept so could be a long one!

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