this luminous life.

By Laura

Drinking Water.

Frank Sinatra.

After a [not quite that long] search, I finally found glass water bottles! It was brought to my attention a year ago that drinking out of plastic bottles is actually not that safe compared to glass or stainless steel - some of the chemicals in the plastic get into the drink and can effect the person drinking it. This is mainly an issue when babies & children drink out of plastic bottles. While I'm the kind of person that refills the same water bottle for weeks instead of purchasing a new one each time (which wastes plastic and come on, who really needs to pay for water!?), I still wanted to feel 'safer' and purchase a glass bottle. They're not easy to find. Today, I found one! Actually... I purchased two of them in case one breaks. ;) ($1.79 each... remember, it's not just the water -- it's the bottle -- which can last until you drop it.)


Here is the original image.

I'm not happy with the way this picture turned out. I fiddled with gradients, layer masks, gradients in layer masks, fades, effects, etc. and I still could not get the desired gradient/fade effect on the 'mirrored' part of the image (which was a separate layer in photoshop -- hence the layer mask attempt). I found several online tutorials to help me with each part and I STILL could not get the gradient on the specific layer (it would apply it to the whole image instead). Any suggestions? Also, I should've planned ahead -- I'm not thrilled with the funky midsection in the reflected image.

a year ago: road on campus.

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