Planko's Pics

By planko

The Hermitage

No snow today for a change, so Mrs P and I started tidying up the garden and polytunnel, doing all the weeding and getting things ready to plant. Air was blue with me ranting about bloody least one has taken to using one of my veg beds as a toilet, so after tidying up all the $**t i'm now having to spend money building the boxes up higher and putting netting all around to stop that from happening this year :(

Took advantage of none of the family wanting to come walking/blipping with me later in the afternoon (when it started to get colder) and headed to the closed part of The Hermitage, down to the waterline to take some shots. Liked this one the best.

Breakfast: Yogurt, muesli bars, banana
Lunch: Weight Watchers beef & shitake mushroom stirfry
Dinner: Treat - special chow mein.


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