A MIMent In Time

By justmim


"O teach me Lord to walk this road
The road of simple living
To be content with what I own
And generous in giving
And when I cling to what I have
Please wrest it quickly from my grasp
I'd rather lose all the things of earth
To gain the things of heaven"
- simple living - Getty/Townend

Dish scrubber thingamajig...a very useful thing!

This has been particularlyuseful lately in avoiding creating huge piles of dishes that I will become increasingly reluctant to wash :) I could even give it an occupational therapist spin...

Now there's a mundane blip topic if ever there was one!

Anyway. Today has been one thing rolling into another...the sort of day that required a detailed timetable! Managed to wade my way through a good chunk of the review documents, work was a birthday celebration and the living room smells like a laundry.

Oh and I bought boxes so that I begin the process of clearing, sorting and packing 3 years of accumulated stuff! Time is whooshing away.

I had the Getty's newest album playing earlier and the words quoted above caught my attention. I think this is going to be a particularly relevant prayer over the coming weeks and months, not only as I pack up my stuff for the next place, decide what can go to charity & what can be stored at home...but also as I look for somewhere new to live and adjust to new financial constraints and living patterns. Having a right understanding and perspective could make all the difference :)

Okay...generally waffly and mundane blip ending here...!

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