A MIMent In Time

By justmim

"Winds in the east, mist coming in. Like somethin' is brewin' and bout to begin..."

Home time! Something which I seem to make more complicated than it needs to be. After a less than optimal night's sleep (I'm still to ascertain whether Wee McMousy is real or fictional) I got myself packed up an ready for home. I was feeling rather chuffed with myself having cleaned and tidied the day previous and got up with enough time that I could leave anything in order. Great!

Until 20 minutes before time to leave when I suddenly remembered having made a mental note to myself that my railcard wasn't in my purse.

Cue panic and prayer.

Thankfully, after checking most of my safe places (plural, there's the problem) and turning most of my room upside down something prompted me to check my sock drawer. Just in time, too, as I was donning my jacket and preparing myself for a sheepish visit to the ticket office.

The rest of the journey was wonderfully relaxing. I enjoyed a sunny lunch stop in Manchester in between trains and each leg was generally quiet.

But of course, the one factor that makes the journey worthwhile, regardless of the travelling experience, is the destination and having someone waiting at the other end. Mum was waiting for me at the station platform and we went back to the house for homemade chips and a cuppa.

Lovely :)

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