Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Greenhouse autumn clean

I clean the glass of the greenhouse twice each year - at the end of the summer/early autumn and at the end of the winter/early spring.

This helps maximise light levels, especially after months of rain. When there's very little light to be had, removing a layer of grime can make a difference for plants (and admittedly for me when I sit there with a coffee to warm up in the winter!).

It's such a satisfying job - as often with gardening, you see the results almost instantly, which I find very gratifying. 

I also had a bit of a clear out (goodbye tomato plants!) and reorganised plants. It looks quite bare now but it's November...

I'm considering insulating the inside with bubble wrap but before I do, I'll have to clean the inside of the greenhouse and the shelves to reduce the risk of pests overwintering.

No sign of the resident froggie I kept seeing in the summer. He must have found himself a nicer spot on the plot for the winter.

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