
A lovely sunny day, with the winds picking up throughout the day.  Windy tonight, and still dry.

Up early, and headed to work in the airport.  I'm almost on a 9-5 week (830-1730).  A fairly quiet day of passengers, almost reflecting similar way the museum visitor numbered dropped off in November too.  Headed out walkies, just as mam and dad popped by, so mam came too, and back along for a cuppa after. 

This week I get a full dinner hour, so time for a walk and some exploring.  I had planned to go further, but the local farmer had blocked the road with muck, very friendly!  Out here there used to be a fairly big settlement, which was cleared by greedy lairds in the late 19th century.   This is the only building left standing.  I'm not sure what it was exactly, but looking at the style, it looks like an old fishing station, possibly a store and shop, and probably been slightly higher when it was complete.  The beautiful stonework is still standing well to the weather.  Taken at Garthbanks, Garthsness, Quendale.  

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