All gold

It was another murky day but I headed off through the woods and up onto the moor. I met a group of women walking - they asked if I wasn’t scared up there on my own. I said I wasn’t now I had my new Meindles. They didn’t understand so I explained I’d be safer from slipping with good soles. Oh one said. We would worry about strangers. Well there’s enough to worry about these days - the thought a random stranger might be lurking about on the off chance of pouncing on an elderly person is so low on the list it’s not actually there.

The surgery didn’t get back to him about his recent blood and urine tests so I persuaded Mr C to ring them. Turns out both are abnormal so he’s got a phone GP consultation on Thursday. There’s nothing we can do about it till we know more. We have promised each other not to consult Ms Google.

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