Isn't it strange... I have not been looking for a photo today, as I have lots to do in the garden and photography is a pleasing distraction which I cannot give time to. So when I least expect it, an image leaps out at me

Gaia. The Greek word for Earth Mother. One I am familiar with after reading about the interconnectedness of all living things. Earth, and her inhabitants, are as a whole, one living entity, and entirely interdependent.

I read some of a report, later a book by  the Scientist James Lovelock. I would recommend it, if you need convincing that we are no more important to the wellbeing of this planet than myriad species including animals, fish, insects and bacteria.

I love the concept and believe in it. Hence, I try to avoid killing anything including wasps and spiders. They all have a part to play. And every species which is threatened by us, becomes another nail in our own coffin... 

The image that leapt out at me is the reflection of a beech tree in the water butt behind my shed. It resonated in such a way that I could not resist taking a picture

Some people say Father Forgive me... I do too. But today, I say Mother Forgive me... I love you. 

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