Road repairs

We hadn't heard anything about the road this morning. Bill called to say that he was going to town and asked if we needed anything or wanted to go along. His car was parked on the other side of the road damage. He had risked driving to town early yesterday morning before the road was closed but was stopped on his way back home. We were okay not going or having him pick anything up for us but decided to walk down with him to see if anything was happening with repairs. I took this shot of repairs being done at the site of the 2nd extra I posted yesterday. A car came down the road and stopped, obviously, because the CAT was blocking the road. It was other neighbours that we know well, and they'd found out on Facebook that the road was now open for locals. The CAT was going to move out of the way to let traffic by. We made a snap decision to hitch a ride into town with Bill to pick up some salad veggies - what's a supper without a salad in this house?  Amazing transformation at the other site of the worst damage, but the road is still closed except for local traffic. Hats off to these two guys and to all those truckers who hauled in rocks and gravel and to the operator of the excavator who got the road in good enough condition for us to get out! It's going to be a major repair but we're thankful that we can drive out again. Phew!  Maybe I should start logging in to Facebook again!
The lineups at the two gas stations in town were unbelievable. Bill needed gas, so we got in line at one. There were others lined up on the other side of the road, signals on, clearly wanting to get into the station. An older guy in a huge truck pulled in beside the first car in that line, then roared into the station the first chance he had, no concern for the other cars on either side lined up and clearly ahead of him. It was our turn, so we pulled in behind him. He got out of his truck and went into the building,  so Bill pulled in ahead of him. He came out of the building, approached the car, and said to Bill, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Bill calmly said that he'd jumped the line ahead of several people. His response in a very belligerent tone? "Do you wanna suck me off?"  Say what?????? The people at the pumps eventually pulled out and we pulled in, and the guy pulled in at the pump behind us. He came up to Bill and apologized and thanked him for not stopping at the 1st pump and blocking him. Apparently he's known people who do that. Bill didn't say it, but he had thought of blocking him!  He's too nice a guy to do anything like that. All kinds of people were filling jerry cans as well as their vehicles, so it was taking far longer than usual and things were getting heated. I was glad to get out of there. Situations like this definitely bring out both the best and the worst in people.
People are in panic mode and hoarding has started again. It's impossible for supply trucks to get through to communities with all the road closures and no dates for reopening given. Emergency methods to supply essentials are being discussed. The provincial government declared a state of emergency for the province this morning. So much devastation, people evacuated, homes, farms and animals lost, people missing and presumed dead...just incredible. Crazy times. 

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