Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Tabby Cat.

The Feast Day of St. Mawes.

It is a cold, overcast, drizzly day, 9c and not ideal for walking with the camera. Arthur is sitting beside me on the sofa as I watch a favourite Christmas film, Angels in the Snow, made in 2015, when we could not have imagined the years that followed, especially 2020. Whenever I re - visit a film, it is a yardstick, in a sense, to reflect on what I have experienced, learnt, suffered or discovered about life since last I watched it. I still enjoy it but it is from a new perspective. The film is sentimental and thoughtful and one line spoke to me as a blipper." I wasn't in the photos because I took most of the photos." Watch it if you feel drawn to see it. Get some tissues too.
Have a good day and enjoy each moment.

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