Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

That bench again!

I took Archie to the vet this morning. His paw still has the little red ‘inter-digital cyst’, but it doesn’t seem to be troubling him - he’s not licking it continuously, and it doesn’t affect his walking. But it needs attending to. It has been decided to cut it off, under anaesthetic, and to clean his teeth while he’s there. Kill two birds with one stone. Poor wee chap. 

We took the bus there, but walked home. It took us (me) more than an hour, with sit downs at every available bus stop and bench (5,088 steps). Our favourite bench, here, is steadily being engulfed by the hedge behind it.

I was listening to ‘Women’s Hour’ on the way. Nancy Kelley, the CEO of Stonewall was being interviewed. Emma Barnett is a brilliant interviewer. Very Touchy subject!

We called in to the delightful Pomelo Cafe to pick up a couple of delicious sweet chilli chicken bao buns. YUM YUM!

Hazel was still here for a yak when we arrived home. She’s VERY excited about the safari holiday she’s arranging for next year - the place we went to a couple of years ago. We’re VERY jealous.

JR took Archie out in the afternoon, and my restful time on the sofa was well spoiled by a loooong phone call from my media provider, wanting to offer me more Tv channels (no thanks). It sounded like she was on the other side of the world, in a large noisy hangar full of other people on shouty phone calls. I could not understand her and had to keep asking her to repeat things, and to slow down. Most stressful. In fact, I was rather rude at the end, when she asked to confirm my address for the third time, and I just blurted out that I’d had enough and hung up. I felt bad. Briefly.

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