A trip down south

A day of catching up with old friends from university times. The first time we've seen each other since before Covid.

So I drove to Birmingham this morning, arriving in time for lunch with Mark and Liz. We often share gardening thoughts online; today I gave them some quince paste from this year's harvest, and they gave me some salvia and rock rose cuttings.

Then I drove on to Eynsham, near Oxford, to see Jon and Sue and stay overnight. I'd set the satnav for a cross-country route avoiding motorways, skirting Stratford-on-Avon and meandering through small Warwickshire/Oxfordshire villages. There was a spectacular sunset; I didn't manage to stop anywhere sensible for a good photo, but managed this quick glimpse at a quiet junction. A grainy phone shot, just a hint of the last few minutes of the sunset.

It's been good to reconnect.

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