Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

Occasional Light Showers

Leaving Mossman, we planned to head north to the Daintree National Park, but first we called into a pharmacy as Sophie had a bite which didn't look to healthy. The pharmacist wasn't worried about the bite, but when we told him where we were going he paused and said:

"Can I suggest that you don't?"

Turns out that in this part of Queensland Dengue Fever spread by mosquitoes is rife and the further north you go, the worse it gets! So after weighing up going north to more rainforest and possible death or south to Port Douglas and the sea side, we decided to bravely run away south!

As it turns out, Port Douglas really isn't that far from Mossman, and we arrived in town at 9am with the intention of finding a tourist info, finding out what amazing things the place had to offer, and spend the day doing them.

Only when we got there, EVERYWHERE was shut. We knocked around till 10 when some of the shops began to open, and we went in to get some leaflets. Turns out that Port Douglas is great to use as a base to go to Mossman. Great.

Other than that, there were several boat trips, but when we enquired, we were told we were too late for today's and no boats were going out tomorrow as the weather forecast was really bad!

So faced with making our own entertainment, we did what every self respecting Pomme should do. We went to the pub.

Actually, we went to the pub via a fantastic little art shop and having only gone in for a look, we came out with a beautiful Hunting Boomerang and an interesting Aboriginal Hunting Club...

Later, we hit the beach and on the way saw torrential rain 'showers' at the other end of the beach, and as the sun began to set the wind picked up, and by the evening we'd retreated to a local hotel and had an amazing curry and watched the beach get battered in scenes reminiscent of news reports from hurricane zones!

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