Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

Barron River Falls

What a night...

The storm winds of yesterday evening stopped as quickly as they started and the lack of wind meant the temperature inside Snoopy was virtually unbearable last night.

We headed into Cairns today - the last stop on our trip, and we decided to treat our selves with a couple of nights in a hotel on the sea front. LUXURY!

On our way to town, we stopped by at Ellis Beach - now my favourite beach in Australia - golden unspoilt sands, calm seas, forest right down to the beach, and not another human as far as the eye could see.

We also took a detour onto the 'Skyrail' (a cable car to you and me) to Karunda - an aboriginal village in the rainforest. Along the way, we got a birds eye view of the Barron River Falls - and at this point in the wet season, they were in full flow!

Karunda itself was an odd place. It unfortunately only exists to part tourists from their money, but that said, I bought a very smart kangaroo leather wallet, and Sophie got a set of pearl earrings as a present.

We also had a Crocodile and an Emu burger - both of which repeated on us for the length of the return trip down to sea level!

I'm reliably informed that Emu tastes much better the first time round.

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