Living my dream

By Mima


Since I am no expert in the field of non-food gardening, the accidental patches of colourful flowers in the garden are very pleasing.

The patch that I have blipped is mostly self-sown from a few plants I bunged into the soil any-old-how four years ago. There are weeds as well as ‘proper’ flowers in there, but so long as they don’t take over I tend to leave them alone.

The bamboo in the background wasn’t quite so unintentional. It is one of nine that I planted in the hope they’d flourish, but they have struggled a bit with our lack of rain. I do water them regularly, but the real stuff works very much better.

The extra is another accidental flower: a beautiful foxglove which is replicated all over the place thanks to a single plant given to me three years ago.

Today has been an unexpected ‘bonus’ garden day. A trip to the seaside was called off at the last minute, so I’ve made the most of it being dry underfoot and have cut masses of grass, including the road verge which was so high it was masking the sight-lines round the corner and getting quite dangerous.

I’m off to polish my halo now…

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