The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Shop Of More Shame

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Lovely Shuvly was back in Iceland doing the “Shop of Shame”. As well as the 30 bags of mince, she had also chucked a packet of Basher’s favourite biscuits in the trolley.

Once again, the same lovely girl was on the checkout. Not only did she remember Shuvly’s “Charity cooking”, she insisted on helping pack.

Shuvly (absolutely mortified): “No really, it’s ok.”

Checkout girl (still helping): “You’re doing a great thing.”

Shuvly (mumbling): “Just doing my bit.”

Checkout girl (holding up biscuits): “Aw…are these for the tea after?”

Shuvly (dying inside): “Yes”

She’s going to be getting awards by the end of this!


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