
By XSworld

Dewdrops 1/7

I have decided to challenge myself with a weeklong bliptheme starting today. The theme is dewdrops and I set myself the following rules:
• Every day for 7 days I'll do my best to catch a photo with dewdrops in it.
•The dewdrops have to be natural and cannot be made by spraying water (or glycerol solution) on the object being photographed
•If the weather conditions are prohibitive I reserve the possibility to post a photo taken on a different day
•In case I get so lucky that we wake up to a frosty morning, a photo of icecrystals will count as a valid post!
The conditions this morning were perfect for the forming of dew. The sky was covered with a thick condensation cloud which the sun only managed to break through around 10 o'clock, there was a lot of humidity on the ground, leaving my boots soaked and it was cold.

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