
By stellarossa

Birthday Boy

Dropped Juno off at the kennels - her first time staying away from home - I really hope it goes well. Got a packed train to London and then an Uber over to Tate Modern to meet Tom and Sasha. That alone was three separate Apps, passwords and log ins.

While we were there Sasha got us in a virtual queue for a table at a trendy pasta place near Borough Market. One minute their app said we wouldn’t get a table for an hour then suddenly it was 8 minutes. Tom - who’d already done a 5k park run this morning - had to run over to secure our table while Sasha and I followed at a more leisurely pace. Fantastic pasta though. I think the place is called Padella.

Anyway now I’m tucked up in the spare room at Sophie’s house in the woods after a lovely evening eating terrific food and watching a bizarre film called Prestige.


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