At the air museum

Mr C took some photos of the boys at the air museum yesterday. One was of them at the Green Goddess fire engine so I hunted out the photo on the left of the collage - it is Mr C in 1977. While in the RAF he was sent to Aberdeen to be part of a green goddess crew during the firefighters’ strike. The fire engines were built about 25 years before. He enjoyed his time, having lots of exciting experiences, but he was against having to be a scab. He didn’t get back for Christmas or New Year but had a few days off between them. The firefighters got 16% pay rise. It was a cold winter and I was at home alone for 2 or 3 months with a new baby, a toddler and a 5 year old, with only a coal fire to heat the house. He assures me he did not volunteer for the duty. Do I believe him? Mmmh.

The boys had been really good - Thomas liked reading aloud all the information boards and James was a delight too, remembering the more gruesome details of plane crashes and fires to tell his parents. They spent 4 hours there and could have stayed longer but it closed at 4pm.

I’m reading a very enjoyable book by William Boyd. Perfect for a very cold day with showers of sleet.

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