View from the hill fort

We were out at 9.15 to drop off BP readings at the surgery. The sun hadn’t been up long enough to melt the black ice on the school bank or across the bridge so we had to tread carefully.

We were due at Katy’s at 10.30 so had plenty of time to stroll along by the river to reach her house before Ailie drove there. She’d had a little slide when she had to brake quickly - it had been wet in the night then the temperature dropped but no gritting had been done.

We set off westwards along the river then headed up towards Tosson and the Brough. It was quite steep and slipping on the muddy path which opened out at the large Iron Age hill fort in its commanding position high above the Coquet. Mr C, Colin, Ailie and Katy are admiring the view to Cheviot and the Scottish Border. When the photo is enlarged the first skirving of the white stuff can be seen just to the left of Cheviot, which is the large flat-topped hill in the distance.

We descended through the Simonside trees to pass the 14th century ruin of Tosson Tower then it was a quick walk back down to the mill where Katy and Colin provided us with delicious mushroom soup. Chris hadn’t wanted to do the walk but came for lunch. (We all did LF tests in the morning).

Ailie dropped me off at home while Mr C walked. I had done 5.5 miles.

I was just about ready to warm up in the bath when another friend called. Her 96 year old mother is causing her distress and she needed to talk. I wish there was something to be done - she is exhausted but won’t seek help. Her mother hasn’t given power of attorney so her hands are tied.

I had FaceTime at 6pm with Jo who is not long back from Mexico where she had a great trip, travelling on local buses. It sounded stunning, especially the Day of the Dead festivities. Maybe someday - I have never been to Mexico.

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